He got just a wee bit choked up when I gave it to him, so I think he liked it. Look at all the beautiful little faces that he's setting free. But do you want to know something? Behind each of those beautiful faces, there is an ENTIRE FAMILY gaining freedom, too. OIT sets US free, ALL of US. Yep, you, mama-- out there baking the bazillionth cupcake so your kiddo won't be left out at the birthday party tomorrow. You, who left your job to stay home with your food allergy kid because you needed to be at every field trip and class party. You, who sneaks a Snickers bar over the kitchen sink after bedtime. OIT will set you free.
OIT has set me free. It's enabled me to move away from my laser focus on Brendan's safety to thinking about what kind of career I'd like to have someday. Even before I had a food allergy kid, I wanted to stay home with my children through the elementary years, but those will soon be over for my youngest, and thanks to OIT, I don't *have* to be at every event Brendan attends. I dropped him off at the church lock-in this year without a second thought. I went on his sixth grade band field trip because I *wanted to,* not because I *had to.* And I am going back to school to try and become a physician assistant because for the first time, I can actually wrap my mind around two years of post-bac work and two and a half years of intense PA school. OIT has set US free, and I couldn't be more grateful. Maybe next time, we need to make Dr. Silvers a matching picture with moms and dads holding the signs instead.